Wednesday 4 July 2012

Happy Birthday Alice

Exactly 150 years ago one sunny afternoon on 4th July 1862  Charles Dodgson took Alice Liddell and her sisters on a boating picnic up the River Thames from Folly Bridge in Oxford. To amuse the children he told them a story about a little girl, sitting bored by a riverbank, who finds herself tumbling down a rabbit hole into a topsy-turvy world called Wonderland.

The story so delighted the 10-year-old Alice that she begged him to write it down. The result was Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland which was published in 1865 under the pen name Lewis Carroll and became one of the best-loved children’s books ever written.

Synonymous with the story are Sir John Tenniel's characterful illustrations which capture so successfully the delightful absurdities in Carroll's text. Birthday or Unbirthday, these original wood engravings make the perfect gift

Click on our turning page catalogue to view the prints. Or visit our Tenniel site: